10 Gifts For The Wine Drinker In Your Life (and things to put on your wish list!)

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’Tis this season for lots of wine consumption. Or is that just me? Currently, I’m drinking a rather full glass of my favorite Tempranillo doing a little online Christmas shopping. Who am I kidding—I am procrastinating, just like you are! If you aren't into the idea of buying your loved ones a fantastic bottle of wine or can't afford a trip to Tuscany, here are 10 great gift ideas for the wine drinkers in your life.

10 gift ideas for wine drinkers or to put on your wish list

Every semi-serious wine drinker needs a Coravin System. Are you shaking your head asking yourself, “What in the heck is a Coravin System?!” Well, my friend, it’s a brilliant wine preservation system that allows you to drink a glass of wine without even pulling the cork! This will be appreciated by the solo wine drinker, the wine collector who treats their library wines as if they’re treasured children or the couple that has opposite wine preferences and tend to pour out their fair share of unused wine. 

You’ve probably seen these being shared on your social network site of choice. Every wine drinker would love these socks. Because, wine.

A shadow box to show off… seriously, an acceptable way for you OCD types to have an excuse to save all of those corks for those projects found on Pinterest. 

Wine traveler set for the couple who enjoys picnics. It even comes with wine glasses that won't shatter!

For the avid reader and lifelong learner: Wine Folly. With diagrams and history on each varietal, you will be a well-informed wine consumer.

Wine-Opoloy–fun for the whole family! Double fun if you turn it into a drinking game.

Wino Saur T-shirt, because who doesn't need yet another t-shirt proclaiming their love of wine? It will work for trips to the gym and the wine store!   

Wine glass for the cat lover. Yes, the two can co-exist! Just don't give your cat wine. Wine is bad for cats.

Funny wine signs, to decorate the wine bar. The wild wine drinkers in your life will appreciate this one as it is probably something they can relate to!

Wine rack—a necessity, not a luxury! This one functions as art also.

What's going on your wish list to Santa?